Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Violin

I took back my violin from service, changed 4 strings and tuned. The music store owner asked me,

"When you bought this violin?" - Owner.

"More than 10 yrs ago." - Me

"How long you didn't touch it?" - Owner.

"Haha, also more than 10 yrs. Why?" - Me.

"Cuz the violin still in very good condition, and the sound so nice. Where you get this? I saw the wording inside the violin body is German. You bought from German?" - Owner.

"It's really from German, but i bought at Ipoh music school." - Me.

"What grade you're before you stopped?" - Owner.

"Em... Grade 3 or 4? I don't remember. But now i don't even remember the fingering well. Haha!!!" - Me.

"Is it? Nevermind, come this Sunday class, let's see Ms Ong put u which grade." - Owner.

"Ok." - Me.

Not so SHOW OFF, but just too surprised my violin still in good condition till others curious to ask about that. I really forgot all the fingering but ONE, just ONE, the normal A Major. Don't know why.

Anyway, just enjoy~!!

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