Monday, January 25, 2010

Perak now...

I'm now at Lahat, Perak, my old house. I have to bring my ALL FAMILY MEMBERS back KL. Don't get what i mean leh, hahaha... all PASSED AWAY FAMILY it? ^____^

At 1st, i tried to use my Celcom broadband to online, who knows here merely no line till i waited for awhile, it FINALLY connected with EDGE. Sigh... i told my mum this, she said,

"Where u think we're now? It's kampung k?"

Oh gosh, my mum also knew this kind of technology wont HIT here. Nevermind, at least i connected now and writing.

Just now went out with Sin, talked a lot, supposed to say, update a lot of news from him about our secondary school friends. Even went drink the kopi ice so many times till beh tahan jor, haha. Finally went his factory saw him working there and 2 little cute dogs which i already taken photos & recorded video ^_^

Tonight i have a date with Oscar too. Ah... so busy... so tired...


SoNg $0nG said...

ceh... you know de la... ipoh where got strong signal de... especially LAhat, my friend..

Sam Ng said...

aiyo, i thought celcom no problem mah....

SoNg $0nG said...

celcom also no use de...

kiing said...
