Monday, January 25, 2010

Perak now...

I'm now at Lahat, Perak, my old house. I have to bring my ALL FAMILY MEMBERS back KL. Don't get what i mean leh, hahaha... all PASSED AWAY FAMILY it? ^____^

At 1st, i tried to use my Celcom broadband to online, who knows here merely no line till i waited for awhile, it FINALLY connected with EDGE. Sigh... i told my mum this, she said,

"Where u think we're now? It's kampung k?"

Oh gosh, my mum also knew this kind of technology wont HIT here. Nevermind, at least i connected now and writing.

Just now went out with Sin, talked a lot, supposed to say, update a lot of news from him about our secondary school friends. Even went drink the kopi ice so many times till beh tahan jor, haha. Finally went his factory saw him working there and 2 little cute dogs which i already taken photos & recorded video ^_^

Tonight i have a date with Oscar too. Ah... so busy... so tired...

Friday, January 22, 2010

幸福套餐 No.1
1)你的绰号: Sam
2)年龄: 29+
3)生日: 15th Sept
4)星座: Virgo
5)兴趣: 音樂,驾车,喝咖啡
6)专长: 我有吗?

幸福套餐 No.2
1)你有没有喜欢的人?: 不肯定
2)是否现在在交往?: 100%没有
3)现在幸福不?: 不错
5)如果有天,你爱的人和你告白的话?: 有这么一天吗?

1)点你的人是?: 荣少
2)他是你的?: Blog Friend
3)他的个性?: 我们号称‘龙凤胎’,应该和我差不多吧,哈哈!
4)认识他多久?: 几个星期吧
5)你觉得他怎样?: 脑细胞已经成‘熟’到几乎烂了
6)你想对他说什?: 快点完成那首歌吧

1)最爱的节目: 两天一夜
2)最爱的音乐: 太多
3)最爱的季节: 秋
4)最爱的卡通: 最近迷上sushi pack
5)最爱的人: 自己
6)最爱的颜色 : 黑
7)最爱的国家: 捷克
8)最爱的天气: 雨天

1)如果上天给你三个愿望: 我要钱而已
4)你是个很有信心的人吗?: 某程度上,是
5)你很爱微笑吗?: 我比较喜欢大笑
6)如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗?: 没想过
7)妄想什么样的生活?: 不愁没钱
8)是否横刀夺爱才是爱?: 哇,如果你被横刀夺爱呢?


Monday, January 11, 2010

Nelly - N Dey Say

Just now dunno SOT which nerve, i search my song albums and found this, Nelly - N Dey Say. I like this lyric.

- i used to think that life had a plan for me
until i realized life had to be planned by me
see that's the key i only deal wit what i can see
cuz over history, mystery brought us nothin but misery
man more people done died in the name of the Lord
then in any natural disaster, disease or gang wars
before guns they was swords and they was killin each other
And what's changed to this day still killin each other
killin a brother while another mother cries for help
man, we need to help a brother find himself
feed 'em light 1, 2, 3
hey that's somethin every brother should see -

Look at the newspapers in Malaysia, i really fed up.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Goodbye Uncle Steven

He's a good senior to me, he taught me a lot. We went China together, he's like my father taking good care of me. And, the most memorable moment is he bought me a green tea ice cream while our bus stopped by at the highway "REST STOP", that day just after snowing, VERY COLD. That was the 1st time i ate ice cream @ 2 celcius degree plus very strong wind, COLD! But surprisingly, when i bite it, so warm~! Thanks uncle Steven.

He's the one who ALWAYS came to me & Ann and INVITE us to drink beers with him, maybe we look a like kids~!! I remember that day each of us drank 10 bottles during dinner, haha~!! So sorry i told i dunno drink alcohol, but i think u knew i was lying, cuz you knew our family so well, how come I dunno drink alcohol leh? Haha, already well trained from small :p

Back to Malaysia, we went out for lunch at Oversea Restaurant, you told me a lot of your old time stories, I enjoyed to listen it.

But today morning, when i received the news you passed away, i really feel so sad about it. I lost a nice uncle, nice 'father' as i always dream to have one. I will miss you all the time, and will remember the jokes you said, and the stories of you. Goodbye to you, uncle Steven.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Surprisingly tonight's weather so nice, windy, it tells me going to rain. I smell it. Haha...

Listening to songs and doing my homeworks, like a normal teenager routine works. But i'm enjoyed. One of my fren said,

"U know what? everyday i have to study my son's work books and accompany him do the homeworks which i don't even know what it talks about. Their generation really sucks, standard 2 children has to study standard 6's syllabus."

Yup, i read my cousin's book, i don't even know to answer the questions, most of its. I'm so sorry to my secondary school teachers T___T Only remember those languages i learnt, all the sciences (Biology, Physic, Chemistry) already throw away loh~!! Hahah!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Am i?

Lately Derrick & Mag said i'm a bit WEIRD, maybe there's something wrong with me thru the chatting. Am i? I guess no. Just that time feel to say like that, and, I guess is because i'm tired. So sorry ya, gave you 2 wrong signal :p

But a little down, is yes. Dued to certain reason, I'm even a bit, yup, just BIT, pissed off. Family matters, sigh... Already fed up talking to mum sometimes, pls stop blaming our NG family. If you really hate us, just leave, i won't block your road, go ahead.


Monday, January 4, 2010


2nd day of 2010, i sick. This remind me last year, when i resigned and back home, sickness accompanied me stepped in 2009 around a week i was lying down on my bed. Then i cough about 2 months, what a shit.

Now, I'm still not feeling well, stomach very pain, not becuz of gastric, but pain. I don't even have the PROPER feel of HUNGRY or FULL, just see the time then eat. Am i sick badly now? Maybe not right? Forget about it, cuz i'm still drink my kopi ice.

Looking 2009, was a good year to me too. Nothing to blame. Thanks.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Last Hour @ 2009

现在是23:10 pm,31st Dec 2009.



