Thursday, October 23, 2008

Working is like fighting in a WAR...

I hate war, that's why i hate working in office, whenever i wanna enjoy my time in office, it sure will have to do this do that, especially when it got TECHNICAL problems regarding the office equipment, for example: fax, scanner, printer, computer, internet, photostat machine, door access, safe... etc. I'm now realized, my name is TECHNICIAN SAM inside every colleagues' mind. Trust me, you'll never know how STUPID there are (some of them really make me crazy)...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tablo, my man... finally out his book!!

스무 살이 간직했던 비밀과 스무 살이 품었던 흥분으로 써 내려간 타블로의 소설!
타블로는 최근 발매된 앨범 <러브스크림> 중에서 '쉿'이란 곡을 가장 아낀다고 말했다. "대학 진학해서부터 지금까지의 시간과 그 시간이 새겨진 책을 쓰면서 느꼈던 감정들을 담아서"라는 것이 그 이유다. 그가 가장 아끼는 곡을 탄생시킨 이야기들. 타블로의 첫 소설집『당신의 조각들』은 그가 보물처럼 품어온 젊은 날의 비밀과 흥분을 써내려간 소설 10편이 담겨져 있다.

LOTTE again....

All the Yu Chun fans, you must be thinking wanna go out with him NOW right? he's down to earth with any attired, just wear your best whenever dating you have with him ^^
I always wonder why Yun Ho's attired needed to be sexy, or, he meant for it? (compare with Jae Jung, he's a bit lose :p) but still, he's the leader!!!

If you got a boyfriend like Jae Jung with his attired, I bet you will think he's cool enough to hang out with. (Maybe he'll sing you a TROT song too... :p)
Chang Min more like wanted to go a ball or any high class funtion, or he's wanted to attend a wedding dinner or ... dating?
Jun Soo looks like a company executive level people or higher level management people, (or, maybe the son of boss?)

Monday, October 6, 2008


I cant believe my eyes when i see this picture, i totally can't recognize them!!! SM Ent really got the miracle to change people from UGLY DUCK to BEAUTY SWAN.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Something good must share...

(Maggie, just wanna tell you, Yun Ho so Yeng ah~!!!!)

Track 11. 遗忘的季节 (Forgotten Season)

Below comment was from a CHINA fans, just wanna share with you all:

用当代的流行风格 翻唱了由歌手Yong Lee于1982年发表的热门曲目..
但直到目前为止 我还没有去听原唱的版本
听的时候 不禁觉得 作曲者真有先见之明啊..
想起在很久之前的 “换人风波” “人气饥渴”等事件..
耗费时间如此之长 创作阵容如此豪华
真的为他感到 骄傲啊..
记得之前 在中说 这是一首”能让人哭的歌”..
确实是会 触”音”生情 因”乐”落泪的吧..
“彩虹”不是有着 ”雨过天晴” 的意思吗?

What do you think after reading this? (for those don understans chinese, i'm sorry, i can't translate it well) Frankly tell you all, my korean language teacher said he's singing or performance not good enough. She said compared with the original singer, he far from him, even complained WHY Jae Jung can sang and recorded it. Well, to be Jae Jung's performance not bad, not becuz he's TVXQ member, but, he got his own style to perform this song. 80's maybe more concentrate on singing skill or their own deepest voice training; but now 21 generation, i dont think young generation will understand it, or maybe we can say, the world CHANGED.

If this song sing by Xiah Jun Soo (or, one of my fren said can sing by SUJU Kyu Hun), i think it'll totally different feel. I believe Jun Soo's voice more like the oldies feel, yup is OLDIES!!! SUJU's Kyu Hun is more to the soft ballad KILLER feel (that means whoever reallu LUM him, sure die on his voice ^^)

Anyway, it's all personal opinion, no need too serious to discuss on... hoho...